Customer |
Domel |
Duration |
2004 - 2005 |
Objectives |
To provide a complete quality assessment of every vacuum-cleaner motor at the end of the assembly line and to isolate any faults and find their root causes. |
Description |
The system consists of three test cells that operate in sequence. Each test cell performs a different set of performance tests (basic characteristics, commutation, vibrations and acoustical tests). The set of measured signals is used to calcualte a vector of features for each motor. If some of the features exceed the prescribed thresholds, the underlying motor is recognized as having faults and the root cause for the reduced quality is identified. |
Innovation |
An innovative design of clampoing system that isolates the motor under test from enviromental disturbances. Use of a servo system to scan the vibration profile along the motor body using a laser vibrometer. A patented system for acquiring the histogram of the commutator's sparking. Application of the acoustical noise measurement in a noisy industrial enviroment. |
Benefits |
The fully automatic quality assessment of the electrical motors precludes any need for additional manual checks. From the measurement point of view, the subjective »human factor« is entirely eliminated. Only motors that fully comply with the quality standards are delivered to the market. Better working conditions result in a healthier enviroment for operators. In particular, there are fewer hearing- and back-related problems. |
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