May 6, 2009
In May 2009, our Department set-up a diagnostic system for end-quality assessment of electronically commutated motors with rated power of 1 to 7,5kW. This diagnostic system is now placed at the Slovenian company Domel d.d. who is a producer of these motors.
The developed diagnostic system consists of the following units: a test fixture containing massive test stand and vibration sensors, transducers, a power unit, a safety system and a computer system with embedded diagnostic algorithms. Diagnostic system measures electrical power, currents and free running rotation speed, as well as unbalance at two points. It also checks the quality of bearings. It records the run-down behaviour of the motor when the power is switched off. If the selected diagnostic features of the tested motor comply with the preset limits, the computer registers diagnostic results and prints the motor label.
On May 6, 2009, this diagnostic unit and its functioning were presented to project partners from OJ Electronics, Denmark, and Swegon AB, Sweden. They were impressed by the capabilities of the system.
Fotodocumentation Domel d.d.
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