September 13, 2013
Center of excellence for low-carbon technologies (CO NOT), whose partner is also Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Systems and Control, and Petrol pompany opened in Lesce the first hydrogen filling station in Slovenia. With this new filling station Slovenia has filled the gap in the field of introducing new technologies in fuel sector and entered the European hydrogen way. Fuel cells have twice as much efficiency as internal combustion engines.
The first compressed hydrogen filling station in Slovenia stands at the Petrol gasoline station in Lesce. Right now the hydrogen station project is still in a demonstration mode. It is intended as a reference, primary for getting the needed experience for further hydrogen supply of road traffic. Partners are helping to create a learning environment for our country and forming the legislative for further build and new technologies expansion. The filling station is valued a bit less than 500.000€ and was co-financed with the European regional development found.
Hydrogen is produced mostly from renewable sources (hydro, solar, wind and tide energy, biomass) and therefore produces low emission and low carbon footprint. 8 kg of water and 162 MJ of electrical energy is needed for one kilogram of hydrogen, produced with electrolysis. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel in engines with internal combustion (the same principle as with fossil fuels) or to supply the fuel cells – chemical reaction in a mini power station inside the vehicle produces electrical energy which can be used to drive the machine or fuel other devices. Fuel cells efficiency is at the moment between 65 and 70 percent. That’s almost 100 percent more than the efficiency of a usual engine with internal combustion.
Gasoline station Lesce was chosen based on its location in the Alp region where heavy emphasis is being placed on renewable energy sources and alternative fuels.
CO NOT director prof. dr. Miran Gaberšček commented on the opening: »We’re proud of the first hydrogen filling station in Slovenia which was done in cooperation with Petrol. This will help in creating a low-carbon society. The opening of this filling station brings into life the wishes an vision of many CO NOT partners who’s many years of work will finally come to everyday life. We’re convinced that this filling station was opened just in the right time, since many car manufacturers are announcing the mass production of hydrogen cars in a year or two.«
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