
March 6, 2014

ProOpter.IVS, one of ten selected "early stage" innovations to be presented at the Heidelberg Innovation Forum

The prototype module for the identification of the most important parameters ProOpter.IVS has been developed at the Department of Systems and Control as a part of a general collection of tools, called ProOpter. The ProOpter has been developed within the Competence Centre for Advanced Control Technologies in cooperation with other project partners.

The developed ProOpter.IVS module has been selected as one of ten "early stage" innovations that will be presented at the "Heidelberg Innovation Forum 2014" on April 9, 2014, this year focusing on "Smart Production and Manufacturing - Innovative ICT Solutions and Production Processes".

The developed innovative solution selects from the production data base the most influential process variables that optimise the production process, thereby using a portfolio of comprehensive yet easy to use tools for the determination of most significant process variables. The solution will be presented at the forum as an "early stage" innovation or business idea to be further developed into a new licence product and improved in R&D collaboration.

Click for ProOpter leaflet