January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2027
ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency, P2-0001 (B)
The underlying programme is aimed to create knowledge to respond to the emerging societal needs on a national and European scale. It will be based on inter-disciplinary endeavour and cross-fertilization of challenges in research and innovation with the critical societal challenges. The programme's ambitions are compliant with major European strategies like Horizon Europe, SPIRE, EFFRA and national strategies (Slovenian Smart Specialisation Strategy). The programme will focus on the development of methodology and tools for the design and implementation of advanced control systems with the ultimate goal to maximize the performance, quality, durability, reliability and safety of the processes in the sectors of priority concern. The programme consists of four horizontal tracks dealing with methods and building blocks for control and three vertical tracks related to applied research in priority areas. The former include:
while the latter refer to the domains of
Main research challenges concern inverse problems where immeasurable quantities have to be inferred from large streams of measured data. Problem solving will rely on probabilistic learning techniques. To optimize system performance by accounting for constraints, predictive control solutions will be used. Applications on the priority domain will stand on solid domain knowledge and close cooperation with domain experts from our rich network of academic and industrial partners. A substantial societal and economic impact is expected from our Programme. The group will continue to play a leading role in mobilizing national R&D resources through consortia and networks with more than 40 national industrial partners and including 2 centres of excellence, competence centre, technological centre ARI and Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership of the Factories of the Future. Our solutions are expected to produce a multifaceted impact on business and profit not only leading Slovenian companies (Kolektor, Petrol, Domel, Danfoss Trata, HESS, Acroni, etc.) but even more many smaller niche manufacturers and systems integrators (e.g. INEA, Sisteh) that vitally depend on the high value-added solutions. We will continue with the growing spread of our results to EU companies together with our EU partners through the EU programme, EDA and SPIRE. We will pursue contributing control solutions for the emerging generations of the technologies, like fuel cells and electrolysers through the collaboration with top EU players (CEA, VTT, EPFL, SolidPower etc.). A new niche, emerging thereof, refers to the design and implementation of methodologies and new items and equipment to accelerate digitalisation of the laboratories in the domain of fuel cells at our partners.
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